20 July 2020

Anderby Parish Council


Minutes Of The Meeting Of Anderby Parish Council  Held Via “Zoom” On 20th July 2020


Due to the uncertainty of the spread of Covid-19/Coronavirus and in order to limit the risk to members of the public and elected council members the Parish Council meeting on the above date was held via video conference facility “Zoom”. 


There was no Public Forum as no members of the public had submitted questions by e-mail to anderbyparishcouncil@gmail.com by 10.00am on Monday 20th July 2020.


Present via “Zoom”:   

Councillors: G. Fisher (Acting Chairman), D. Wood, Gwen Fisher, J. Hayes, C. Sears.  Also, present County Cllr C. Davie and Dist Cllr P. Hibbert-Greaves.


  1. Apologies For Absence – Cllrs D. Simmonds and Cllr L. Johnson offered their apologies.


  1. Declaration Of Interest – None received.


  1. Notes Of Last Meeting - The Minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 2020 were unanimously approved and will be signed by the Chairman when restrictions are lifted.


  1. To Receive Reports From Representatives Of Outside Bodies – None to report.


  1. Reports From Other Meetings –The Acting Chair Cllr G Fisher and Cllr D. Wood held a “Zoom” meeting with the owners of The Anderby Creek Beach Bar reference the Web Cam.  The owners have now applied for a licence for the camera, this will be outside the café in a static position.  A note to this effect will be placed on Anderby Creek social media sites to inform residents and visitors.  The Beach Café thanked the Parish Council for all its help in this situation and if there are no further issues raise the matter will be closed at the next Parish Council meeting.


  1. Correspondence
  1. Environment Agency – Lincolnshire Beach Management update July 2020: This concerns the demobilisation of the equipment and machinery used from Huttoft Car park.  This will take place from 06.00am Monday 3rd August 2020 to 10.00pm Friday 7th August 2020.  Considering item 6.b Cllr G. Fisher had spoken to Environment Agency and Cllr C. Davies on a possible clash.  He was informed that they have priority and that traffic wardens would be in place to ensure a smooth operation.
  2. Triton Knoll Electrical system – Construction Management Plan amendment: This should not conflict with item 6.a above.
  3. Fraud Survey: Discussed but no further action.


  1. Highways Group Ltd:  Council informed that this is a bogus company posing as an approved company looking to do road improvement work for Parish Councils.  Clerk informed council that no requests from this company had been received.
  2. Re-opening of play areas:  This was no approved by Government, as no official play areas in parish this does not apply – matter closed.
  3. LIVES Everyday Hero: Email asking if councils had any nominations.  Council could not think of anyone as the community had all been working together to help each other in the current situation. Matter closed.


  1. Finance
  1. External Audit – The Annual Governance Statement and Statement of Accounts of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) had been prepared by clerk for approval and agreement by council and sent off to auditors, awaiting report.  On-going.
  2. VAT Reclaim – The sum of £5060.33 received and payed into bank.
  3. Parish Clerk Mr. M.D. Smith had submitted invoice for his Salary and Expenses for the sum of £677.36 for period April to June 2020.  Council all agreed that this sum was correct and approved payment.  Matter closed.
  4. Cllr D Wood presented an expense claim for £16.99 to replace padlock on Cloud Bar.  Approved


  1. Planning And Maintenance – The 40 MPH sign at entrance to Anderby still not replaced.  Clerk had sent email requesting an update, yet no further update.


  1.  AOB – The following issues were raised by members:
  1. Cllr Sears spoke about the speeding of vehicles through Anderby Village.  She asked could some form of Traffic calming be put in place as the “Electronic Speed Cameras” did not seem to be slowing vehicles down.  It was suggested that the signs may need to be recalibrated, clerk to investigate this. 
  2. The subject of Traffic Calming in general will be placed on the agenda from September Parish Meeting.  Clerk to contact LCC Highways on the subject.
  3. Cllr Sears asked could “Rubbish Bins” be placed at the Flo-gas corner and by bench in village by post box.  Clerk to investigate this.
  4. Car Park Barriers – This will be discussed in more detail at next meeting.
  5. County Cllr C. Davie gave an update on items under discussion at County Council.  He outlined that the following was being discussed and would provide further information to council:
    1. Re-Master Plan for Lincolnshire coming out soon
    2. Cycleways for Lincolnshire in planning
    3. Re-surfacing of highways plan
    4. Skegness Business Park planned
    5. Tourism is down in Lincolnshire overall due to the current


  1. Date Of Next Meeting – It was agreed that the next meeting would be on Monday 21st September 2020 subject to confirmation