Parish Precept 2023/24


What is the Precept?

The Parish Council receive funding from the council tax paid by Parishioners. This is called the “Parish Precept”

The money is required to enable the PC to fund the duties they have carry out in the parish.

Why increase the Precept?

The current precept raises £6000 per annum. There was no increase in the precept in 22/23 The Parish council raises as much money as it can through grants to fund the improvements it makes in the parish in order to minimise the cost burden on parishioners.

Inflation is running at 11% at present, meaning that, in real terms, the value of the precept will be approximately £5,500 if the precept was not increased. The PC’s statutory duties cost £4,600 every year, leaving very little margin for contingencies.

The PC has decided to increase the precept by 5% increasing the PC income to £6,300 (still a reduction in real terms)

This means that the increase for a Band D household will be £1.84 per annum.

Published: Monday, 20th February 2023