July 2023 Agenda

Anderby Parish Council

Notice is given that the Parish Council meeting took place on:

Monday 17th July 2023

 Village Hall, Anderby Village.

Prior to the meeting there was

 a Public Forum commencing at 7.00 pm during this time Members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.       

Members of the public and press are welcome.

The council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.

This notice summons all members of the council to attend from 7.00 pm or submit their apologies to the clerk at the earliest opportunity.

Signed – Alan Vassar  - Alan Vassar – Clerk to the Council


  1. Apologies for absence#


  1. To receive Declaration of Interests
  2. Notes of meeting held in June 2023 to be approved as Minutes
  3. To receive reports from outside bodies
  4. Reports from Councillors re external meetings
  5. Feedback about future works etc on Sea Defences
  6. Progress on Van Oord sponsorship talks
  7. Discussion about waste land opposite Roses.
  8. Moggs Eye update and letter from Resident
  9. Update on grant application for Outdoor Gym
  10. Update on Sponsorship of flower boxes etc
  11. Finance: Year to date accounts
  12. To approve payment of accounts
  13. Date of next meeting Monday 18th September 2023
  14. Any other business for discussion only or next agenda