Minutes October 2021



Anderby Parish Council

Notice is given that the Parish Council meeting will take place on:

Monday 18th October 2021

 Village Hall, Anderby Village.


  1. Apologies for absence

Cllrs. Rushton. Cllr Johnson, Cllr Mrs G Fisher, Cllr Bullimore, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Williams, Cllr Hibbert greaves

  1. To receive Declaration of Interests
  3. Notes of meeting held on 20th September 2021 to be approved as Minutes.

So approved.

  1. To receive reports from outside bodies

Cllr Davie (LCC)

‘Covid numbers increasing but the widely held view is that there will not be another lockdown before Christmas, but that masks will be required by mid November, not only because of Corona virus but also the flu. It would appear that the vaccine is effective for 6-9 months and booster programme not working at 100% efficiency yet.

Main carriers of Covid now appears to be children.

Expect to experience staff shortages over next few months – lorry drivers, gritters, care workers etc.in short supply, as will be hospitality staff in the summer because of low wages paid in this sector unlike the recently advertised broccoli cutter at £60 an hour.

Climate change – LCC looking for a 68% reduction in carbon emissions by using various initiatives (solar panels on Council roofs etc).’

Extended an invitation to APC to join in the campaign to make Anderby a zero culture council.

‘There are big investment plans for the Lincolnshire coast from both LCC and the National Trust.’ Cllr Davie offered to make the necessary introductions to get APC involved. Will also contact the County Sustainability Officer to be included in the ongoing conversations about Climate Change.

  1. Update on Action Notes generated from last APC Meeting.

AN from September meeting discussed. Any tasks not yet completed to be carried forward to this month’s Action Notes.

  1. Financial statements 6 months to end September 2021

The interim accounts were prepared and presented to the Council and no issues found.

  1. Agreement/Confirmation of standing orders, risk assessments, and policy documents.

The H&S, Standing Orders and Policy documents were presented to the Councillors and accepted in their entirety with one addition. Where the term ‘Abuse’ is mentioned, this should be flagged up as consisting of – and not exclusive to – financial, physical and mental abuse.


  1. Review of cemetery fees

No changes proposed but need to compare APC charges to those in Mumby. The Clerk to organise comparison and represent next meeting if discrepancy.

  1. Discussion on any fundraising/grant requirements

Cllr Wood to check for any grants that would help APC become Carbon Neutral.

Village Hall Committee to be contacted to investigate whether solar panels could be installed on the VH roof.

Charging Points for the car parks was discussed but Cllr Davie advised the Council to wait as there was a new Policy document about to be published by LCC that could/would affect this.

APC want to become an exemplar PC on the coast regarding carbon reductions etc. Cllr Davie to introduce Dan Clayton to the PC – the LCC expert on all things ‘Green’.

A question was asked as to whether the much-underused bus shelters could be used for something other than their original purpose. A suggestion was proffered that they could become Rest Areas for cyclists. Further research needed.

  1. Complaint from Residents re: café at Anderby Creek

A Parishioner has written to the PC complaining that the Café had ELDC permission for a Garden Party as a one off, but that they had been having such an event every week since causing a noise nuisance. The Chairman to supply the Complainant with contact details of the relevant Officer at ELDC.

  1. APC web site and Facebook for APC

The figures relating to traffic on the APC web site were presented and in the light of these, it was decided not to pursue a Facebook page in the immediate future.

  1. Agreement to purchase Christmas trees for Anderby/Anderby Creek

Approval given to buy 2 Christmas Trees to the value of £150. Cllr Wood to pick these up with his trailer at the end of November.

  1. Agreement to purchase Memorial Wreath

Approval given to buy a Memorial Wreath for up to £25.

  1. Finance:

To approve payment of accounts:

  1. Any cheques required for immediate action (as in 6 and 7)

Awaiting next meeting to sort.

  1. To pay Clerk’s salary


  1. Acknowledgement of bench bought by APC for Cemetery and query over purchase of sign to attach stating ‘Donated by APC’ or similar

Agreed for £20 and cheque for cost to be raised at next meeting.

  1. Churchyard Trees - update
  2. Date of next meeting Monday 15th November 2021
  3. Any other business for discussion only or next agenda

Cllr Wood to contact Tree Surgeon company to re-work the invoice to reflect the work done to date.

Cllr Buckley to set dates for replanting troughs etc and to liaise with Elaine, Sue and Linda.

Fake news on Facebook – Cllr Wood has addressed this directly and this is not now an issue.

Cllr Fisher enquired as to whether APC should apply for Dark Sky Status – this was agreed and the Clerk to do the application.

The Beacon suggestion to celebrate the Jubilee – it was pointed out that the beacons have to be powered by gas and wood is not now acceptable. This would make the involvement expensive so declined.

It was agreed to re-send the original letter to Mr Wylie with reference to the land at Anderby Creek.

It was agreed that the agenda should always include a section ‘Attendance of Other Meetings outside of the PC’.

The Chairman had attended such a meeting looking at Transport etc. but reported back that the meeting seemed only concerned with Skegness and the other large towns. There was no relevance/inclusion of Anderby and Anderby Creek. He brought up the Coast Shuttle bus but received no constructive response.

The Floodplan to be reworked and brought up to date by the Chairman/Clerk.