16 November 2020
Anderby Parish Council
Minutes Of The Meeting Of Anderby Parish Council Held Via “Zoom” On 16th November 2020
Due to the uncertainty of the spread of Covid-19/Coronavirus and in order to limit the risk to members of the public and elected council members the Parish Council meeting on the above date was held via video conference facility “Zoom”.
There was no Public Forum as no members of the public or press had requested to join the meeting by sending an e-mail to anderbyparishcouncil@gmail.com by 05.00pm on Saturday 14th November 2020.
Present via “Zoom”:
Councillors: G. Fisher (Acting Chairman), D. Wood, Gwen Fisher, J. Hayes, L Johnson. Also, present County Cllr C. Davie.
Chairman’s Remarks – Chairman had received this week resignation letters (via email) from Cllr C. Sears and Cllr D. Simmonds. Both were resigning with immediate effect and apologised to the council for the short notice. Chris Sears is moving out of the area and Darrell Simms has had an increase in his workload and cannot commit fully to the position. The Chair and remaining council members thanked both and wished them well in the future.
The Parish Council now has vacancies for two new Councillors. Parish Clerk to place adverts for candidates on both Parish notice boards and web site.
1. Apologies For Absence –Dist Cllr P. Hibbert-Greaves offered his apologies.
2. Declaration Of Interest – None received.
3. To Agree The Notes Of Last Meeting - The Minutes of the meeting held on 19th October 2020 were unanimously approved and will be signed by the Chairman when restrictions are lifted.
4. Clerks Report On Matters Outstanding
a) Additional Rubbish Bins for Anderby Village; A form had been submitted by clerk to ELDC on this matter, no further information had been received. Clerk to contact Dist Cllr P Hibbert-Greaves for update. Matter ongoing
b) Parish Web site update: Clerk informed members that the draft new web site was complete and ready for review by council. He pointed out that there were some amendments to be made but overall, it looked good. Council were asked for their views Cllr D. Wood asked would there be a counter on the site to see how much it was viewed. Clerk will check on this with the developer. He also asked for clerk to check with LCC that it met their requirements. Matter on going.
c) Grass Cutting for 2020/21 – Clerk had presented at last meeting the draft contract with current contractor Robert Aldrich Garden Maintenance. This contract has now been signed by both parties. Matter closed.
d) Barriers: This is an ongoing issue; Environment Agency require a licence to proceed. Parish Council are willing to pay for the installation of the barriers. Cllr D. Wood had spoken to Environment Agency for Map Reference. The suggestion is to install one (1) post in the narrow park of the road leading up to the beach. Council now need to complete the application process. Matter ongoing.
5. To Receive Reports From Representatives Of Outside Bodies – County Cllr C. Davie said LCC are responding to ongoing Coronavirus issues. He gave an update on the situation as it effects this area. At present Government restrictions apply but the area is being monitored for a post December 2nd update. However, they are suffering staff shortages but are still providing services to the community. Cllr C Davie updated council on other issues being discussed by LCC:
• The new Huttoft terrace centre is still planned to open in February 2021
• Looking into funding for Care Homes and the economy plus new technology
• Zoom meetings will be here for near future
• The new business park in Skegness is on target.
6. Reports From Other Meetings - Cllr D. Wood will be contacting LCCP on the issue of security for the Cloud Bar. This was following a phone call he had received that intruders had broken the lock on door and had broken a step. A new lock has been fitted and the key secured.
7. Correspondence – Lincolnshire County Council Highways. Following a request from the chair the clerk had contacted LCC Highways reference Grit Bins. Several emails received on the subject with the clerk asking for details / forms on The Parish Scheme for the provision of a 1 tonne bag of salt which can be used in the area. To date he had not received a reply on this matter. Cllr C. Davie said would chase this up. Matter ongoing.
8. Financial Matters
a) Council approved the following payments of accounts: £440.55 to Robert Aldrich Garden Maintenance for grass cutting August to October 2020. £240.00 to PKF Littlejohn LLP for the External Audit.
b) The Clerk presented the Draft Budget for 2021/22. A full Budget would be presented at next meeting
c) Approval given to purchase Two (2) Christmas Trees to a total value of £200.00 for Anderby Village and Anderby Creek. Cllr D. Wood to organise the purchase.
9. Speed Indicators Anderby Village - Cllr J. Hayes had emailed Community Speed watch with a view to having the Speed Indicators in Anderby Village moved to a different location as it was felt that vehicles were speeding through the village and that the speed signs were not responding. She is looking to gain a report as to whether they in the correct location as well as the cost to have them relocated. The original cost was £1200.0 when signs first put up. Cllr L. Johnson is going to investigate whether there is any grants available for this. – Matter ongoing.
10. Path To Beach On Sandy Lane – Locked – Cllr L. Johnson asked why gate leading to beach off Sandy Lane locked. Cllr D. Wood answered this question that the land is private with no public right of way. Matter closed.
11. Poppy Wreath For Church In November 2021 – Cllr G. Fisher proposed that a wreath be purchased next year and placed in the church to remember the fallen. This was agreed and will be added to the calendar for 2021 onwards.
12. Derelect Land On Sea Road, Anderby Creek – Cllr D. Wood had spoken to Dist Cllr P. Hibbert – Greaves about the derelict land on Sea Road Anderby Creek as to who owns the land. The land is overgrown and an eyesore to the village, attracting vermin etc. Cllr L. Johnson said Roses Caravan Park had made enquiries to purchase the land and were waiting for information. The issue has been logged with the appropriate ELDC enforcement agency. Matter ongoing.
13. Planning And Maintenance
a) Cemetery Fees – These were reviewed by council who agreed that they should remain as before with no increase.
b) Churchyard and village maintenance – Clerk asked to speak to Robert Aldrich about the churchyard trees and whether he can maintain them or recommend a suitable contractor. Matter ongoing.
14. Set Dates And Format For 2021/22 Parish Council Meetings – The clerk presented to proposed dates and formal agenda items for item 2021/22 to council. It was proposed that Item 11 Poppy Wreath be include in this, all agreed.
15. Date Of Next Meeting – It was agreed that the next meeting would be on Monday 18th January 2020 subject to confirmation.
16. AOB - Bus Shelter, Huttoft Bank, Anderby Creek: Cllr Gwen Fisher raised the issue of the bus shelter that appears to be falling and is a health & Safety issue. Council agreed to look at this with a view to its removal. To be discussed in January 2021 meeting.
Meeting closed at 08.10pm.