October 2023
Anderby Parish Council
Notice is given that the Parish Council meeting took place on:
Monday 16th October 2023
Village Hall, Anderby Village.
Prior to the meeting there was a Public Forum commencing at 7.00 pm during this time Members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.
The council meeting commenced at 7.15pm.
Signed – Alan Vassar - Alan Vassar – Clerk to the Council
Public Forum
The PC were informed that there had been 3 caravans stolen from the village and that funds were being sought to purchase an ANPR camera (£1300). Blackout Security Company have advised that there would be no data protection issues, and the PC will discuss this with the Police Commissioner scheduled for later in the month.
- Apologies for absence
Cllr Hayes
- Councillors present at this meeting
Cllrs Fisher, Wood, and Johnson. Cllr Davie(LCC) and Cllr Dawson (ELDC)
- Councillors absent and no apologies sent
- To receive Declaration of Interests
- To receive reports from outside bodies
Cllr Dawson stated:
‘There is a revised methodology to investigate village sizes and a review will be sent to all Parish Councils.
The ELDC Local Plan should have been reviewed and amended already but has not and the estimated time of completion is now in 2025.
Councillor Grants can be applied for – 3 areas competing – Chapel, Anderby and Hogsthorpe.
Traveller incursions into the District – advice is that the Owner of the property that the Travellers have camped on, must take action themselves. A review is to be carried out by ELDC on the procedures involved in controlling Gypsy Sites
A response from ELDC regarding Horse riding on the beaches has been provided.’
Cllr Davie stated:
‘The National Grid plans have not gone away and they have commissioned an Environmental Impact report covering the area from Grimsby to Alford.
Also we can expect a report on the Energy Infrastructure soon – looking particularly at on shore energy production from solar panels etc. LCC are against this in principle as it is industrialisation of the Wolds and area.
The Devolution Deal is due for further discussion, and the Mayoral system is the preferred option.
Very high tides are due over this winter, and if they coincide with easterly winds, then flooding is quite possible.
Avert – appears to be failing because there are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.Red Cross is at loggerheads with LCC – request the draft note from APC Chair about his views on the recent exercise.
The Emergency Plan needs to be updated and signed off ASAP.
- Approval of the Minutes from September meeting of APC
So approved
- Reports from Councillors re external meetings
Fund raising conference attended by Cllr Wood – bid for Gym turned down, but need to establish that this is beneficial to the Residents, that there is a need, and that the Residents are interested in its installation.
Idea is to possibly run a 6 week course in the Village Hall on Healthy Eating and produce a questionnaire for participants.
The Village Hall could also be a venue for aerobics and line dancing etc but would need a supervisor.
Cllr Johnson to ask local Yoga Instructor and check on costs of a 10 week course. Funding from Triton Knoll? Next application March 24.
The Village Hall is normally free in the daytime.
£1000 notionally approved for funding of Line Dancing/Aerobics classes.
Details of any policing issues to be sent to Cllr Wood – he has a meeting with the police commissioner.
Fill in application form for new dog waste bin on Occupation Lane
- Co-option of Councillors – the way forward?
Web site and Facebook entries to be made.
- Financial statement – 6 months to end September 2023
See attached and approved
- Discussion on any fundraising/grant’s requirement – set up of CAG etc
Personal details of Cllr Wood and Johnson given to set up a CAG bank account for speed and ANPR cameras etc.
- Finance:
To approve payment of accounts:
- Any cheques required for immediate action - £24.00 approved for Village Hall (AVERT)
- Date of next meeting Monday 20th November 2023.
- Any other business for discussion only or next agenda
Robert Aldridge and Alford Garden Services to give price to clear right hand side of the Cemetery – to remove gorse and spray off.