20th Feb 2023

Anderby Parish Council

Notice is given that the Parish Council meeting will take place on:

Monday 20th February 2023

 Village Hall, Anderby Village.

Prior to the meeting there was a Public Forum commencing at 7.00 pm during this time Members of the public were able to ask questions or make short statements to the Council.      

The council meeting commenced at 7.15pm.

Signed – Alan Vassar  - Alan Vassar – Clerk to the Council

Audience Comments

A Resident stated that when he moved into the area it was a quiet road and a quiet village. With the massive increase in caravan sites in the immediate vicinity, this was causing hazards on the country roads with careless and reckless drivers.

The question was asked as to how many more camp sites were in the process of coming into the area, and could the PC please resist any new applications for such.

The Chairman responded to this comment by pointing out that the Council have objected several times about these developments, but that ELDC have a presumption to approve and they do not listen.

Any and all such applications should be objected to by, not only the PC, but also all members of the public. Only when ELDC Planning hear the weight of objections will they pay attention.



  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr Davie. Cllr Rushton.

  1. Councillors present at this meeting

Cllrs Fisher, Wood, Johnson, Hayes.

  1. Councillors absent and no apologies sent

Cllrs W Fisher, Bullimore

  1. To receive Declaration of Interests


  1. To receive reports from outside bodies
  3. Approval of the Minutes from Jan meeting of APC

So approved

  1. Reports from Councillors re external meetings

Cllr Fisher reported back about his TV interview re: proposed Pylon construction through Lincolnshire


  1. Suggestions for format and Speakers at AGM?

Suggestion made for a person from the Drainage Board about the history/development of the drainage system through Lincolnshire especially in light of the 70 year anniversary of the East Coast flooding. Clerk to make enquiries.

  1. Election update

Email previously sent out with ELDC web details and timetable of events leading up to election issued. More details to follow.

  1. Asset List update

Important for this list to reflect the cost of replacing lost/stolen/damaged items on the Asset List. See new listing for corrections.

  1. Notice Boards – update

Village Hall to invoice ½ cost of new Board when erected

  1. Signage for Anderby Creek – one way signs on roundabout – disabled walkway

Clerk to contact LCC signs to ask for signage for disabled walkway.

Street signage damaged throughout area – photos required and exact locations

  1. Setting up a Coronation Committee

Request made for PC to organise and fund Coronation event but no funds available at the moment. The PC have agreed to support any ideas put forward in any way that they can. Leaflets and bunting available and the celebrations should be as inclusive as possible.

  1. Setting up of a Gardening Volunteer Group

Need to recruit a ‘hands on’ set of volunteers to tend the pots/weed/plant the Island etc.

Posters to be done for the Notice Boards and Anderby web site and Cllr Wood to make an appeal on the AC Facebook pages

  1. Discussion on any fundraising/grant requirements/Community Action Groups?

Bid details discussed with application to be made to UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Max cost £25k.

Sunshine Gym has already quoted – awaiting 2 more.

PC need to agree on equipment required and finalise flooring material.

3 main areas of concern –

1 Corrosion warranty

2 Risk assessments and Method statements from supplier

3 Liability in relation to different surfaces

The advantages of forming a Community Action Group to get more streams of funding available. Further discussion required.

  1. Planning and Enforcement Updates

Enforcement case discussed – follow up communication to be sent to planning

  1. Finance:

To approve payment of accounts:

  1. Any cheques required for immediate action -  £55.39 for Coronation seeds
  2. Plants purchased Chapel Garden Centre (pre approved) - £82.92

Cheques issued

  1. Date of next meeting Monday 20th March 2023
  2. Any other business for discussion only or next agenda

FAQ about And Creek Island to put on web site

Cllr Hayes gave apologies for next meeting