Minutes November 2024
Anderby Parish Council
Notice is given that the Parish Council meeting took place on:
Monday 18th November 2024
Village Hall, Anderby Village.
Prior to the meeting there was a Public Forum commencing at 7.00 pm during this time Members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.
The council meeting commenced at 7.15pm.
Signed – Alan Vassar - Alan Vassar – Clerk to the Council
- Apologies for absence
Cllr Fisher, Cllr Dawson, Cllr Davie
- Councillors present at this meeting
Cllrs Fisher, Wood, Hayes, Johnson
- Councillors absent and no apologies sent
- To receive Declaration of Interests
- To receive reports from outside bodies
- Approval of the Minutes from October meeting of APC
So accepted
- Reports from Councillors re external meetings
Representations have been made to Bowrang re the speeding of their lorries through the area.
Rats have been seen in the bins at Anderby Creek – Reported to Danny Murphy at ELDC but no response yet. The area is in a mess.
The PC wished to acknowledge the actions of two of our Councillors – Cllr Hayes for her excellent Attendance and Memorial Service at the Church, and secondly to Cllr Johnson for the local reaction and engagement for her entry on Facebook about the Island at AC and which received an incredible 267 ‘likes’.
The AC Island Project – a plan has been submitted for its development by a Resident and this was approved in principle but there were questions to be answered and unfortunately, the Proposer could not attend the PC meeting at this time. It was also noted that there was a quote for the work from Tony Lake and this was for £980 but the source of the funding required was not identified.
A second proposal was also noted from another Resident, and any decision was postponed until further information could be gathered.
- Speed camera update
The old cameras are now on Ebay for sale and the new ones are up and operating – and thanks to Carl for helping Cllr Wood with their deployment.
- Any Planning applications
- Bank account – suggested movement of account to another bank
The PC’s bank will start charging the account holder a monthly charge so the Clerk has suggested a move to another bank. Approved and Clerk to report back on a suitable alternative.
- Finance:
To approve payment of accounts:
- Any cheques required for immediate action
- Speed cameras – Elan City - £5014.18
- Fixings for such -Screwfix £14.99
- Christmas trees - £66.66
- Refund cheque for £501 raised for Linc Community Foundation as remedy to the underspend on the latest project of Speed cameras where the price was renegotiated by Cllr Wood.
- Date of next meeting Monday 20th January 2025 (No meeting in December)
- Any other business for discussion only or next agenda