15th November 2023 - Minutes

Anderby Parish Council

Notice is given that the Parish Council meeting took place on:

Monday 20th November 2023

 Village Hall, Anderby Village.

Prior to the meeting there was a Public Forum which commenced at 7.00 pm during this time Members of the public could ask questions or make short statements to the Council.      

The council meeting commenced at 7.15pm.

Members of the Press and Public are invited.

Signed – Alan Vassar  - Alan Vassar – Clerk to the Council


  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr Davie (LCC) and Cllr Dawson (ELDC)

  1. Councillors present at this meeting

Cllrs Fisher, Wood, Johnson, Hayes

  1. Councillors absent and no apologies sent
  3. To receive Declaration of Interests
  5. To receive reports from outside bodies
  7. Approval of the Minutes from October meeting of APC

So approved but the plants in the Graveyard are Brambles and not Gorse as previously reported

  1. Update on Action Points from previous meetings
  3. Reports from Councillors re external meetings

Update on Pylon Planning project given by Cllr Fisher. More detailed information at next meeting.

  1. Update on possible Yoga/aerobics sessions for Village Hall

The idea is to run 10 sessions from wed 17 January at a cost of £40/hour.

Initially free of charge to Residents to generate interest.

Total of 2hrs per session – costing a gross of £800 for the period.

Sign up also available to do on-line classes

Adverts to run on Facebook and Hayley happy to do the posters if the PC contribute to the costs

Suitable programme for a variety of ages and abilities

  1. AVERT updates

Avert Leaflets about flooding to be delivered to local addresses.

Flood Plan needs to be updated.

Meeting arranged 19 December with Clerk and Cllrs Fisher and Hayes to review.

  1. Discussion on any fundraising/grant’s requirements and the District Councillor Grant application, and update on new Lottery funding

New Lottery funding available - £20000 over 24 months.

District Council Grant to be applied for to cover the replacement of the Notice Board at AC

  1. Any Planning applications etc

Ext and alterations to Bank House, Chapel St Leonards – no objection

  1. Finance:

To approve payment of accounts:

  1. Any cheques required for immediate action -£150 for seeds and bulbs
  1. Date of next meeting Monday 15th January 2024. (No meeting in December)
  2. Any other business for discussion only or next agenda

Small Christmas tree required from PC for Church Carol Service – cost of £7.99

Police Commissioner told about the requirement for ANPR cameras but VH have already purchased these (£1400)