15th FEBRUARY 2021






Due to the uncertainty of the spread of Covid-19/Coronavirus and in order to limit the risk to members of the public and elected council members the Parish Council meeting on the above date was held via video conference facility “Zoom”. 


There was no Public Forum as no members of the public or press had requested to join the meeting by sending an e-mail to anderbyparishcouncil@gmail.com by 05.00pm on Saturday 16th January 2021.


Present via “Zoom”:   

Councillors: G. Fisher (Acting Chairman), D. Wood, Gwen Fisher, J. Hayes, L Johnson.  Also, present District Cllr Paul Hibbert-Greaves and Ms K. Bullimore as an observer.


Chairman’s Remarks – Chairman thanked all for attending this meeting.  He has points he needs to raise but will do so during the meeting as appropriate.


The Parish Council still has vacancies for two new Councillors.  Two candidates had applied and were interviewed by council members prior to the meeting.  Final decisions will be posted in the next few weeks after the candidates have been informed.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE –None received.


  1. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – None received.


  1. TO AGREE THE NOTES OF LAST MEETING - The Minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2021 were unanimously approved and will be signed by the Chairman when restrictions are lifted.




  1. Additional Rubbish Bins for Anderby Village; a duplicate application form had been resubmitted by clerk to ELDC on this matter, to date no reply had been received.  Dist Cllr P Hibbert-Greaves is aware of this and will follow up with this with ELDC.  Matter ongoing
  2. Parish Web site update:  Clerk apologised to members for not updating the site as he is still looking into how to update as new items are required on the site.  Cllr D. Wood offered to help in this.  Matter on going.
  3. Barriers: This is an ongoing issue; Environment Agency require a licence to proceed.  Parish Council are willing to pay for the installation of the barriers.  Cllr D. Wood gave an update as to where we are with this and will advise Dist Cllr P Hibbert-Greaves on the issues for him to follow up.






  1. LCCP – Coastal Access Sites and Parking:  Clerk had sent a letter on councils’ behalf to LCC and County Cllr C. Davie outlining councils views on this, to date no reply received.  Clerk to email County Cllr C. Davie for an update.  Matter ongoing.
  2. Snapshot of Lincolnshire Churches:  Email received from Rural Churches Volunteers Project Officer requesting council place poster on village and church notice boards about an online talk they are holding.  Cllr J. Hayes will place one on church notice board, clerk will place on Parish Council notice boards.
  3. Safer Together Team Introduction: Email received from this newly formed team outlining their key aims.  Council suggested that they be invited to next meeting to give a short talk via Zoom on their team and aims.  Clerk to invite and when reply received a 15-minute slot will be included in the next meeting.


  1. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF OUTSIDE BODIES Dist Cllr P. Hibbert-Greaves updated council on the new Sutton on sea colonnade.  This hopefully will be started in May 2021.


  1. REPORTS FROM OTHER MEETINGS – Nothing to report no other meetings attended.




  1. Grit Bins:  Following a request from the Chair the clerk had contacted LCC Highways reference Grit Bins.  This has now been passed onto the LCC Network Resilience (Winter & Emergency Team) for action.  The Chair had sourced another supply to maintain the local roads until Matter ongoing.
  2. Lincolnshire Bus information:  Email received stating that due to the current situation there are changes daily to the timetable.  Their web site https://lincsbus.info/bus-services/lincs-bus-updates/ is where changes are published.
  3. Anderby Creel “Yellow Lines”:  The gap outside Roses has now been yellow lined.  The area on the way out of the village is still not been done.  Chair has spoken to County Cllr C. Davie who informed him that it would be done. Matter on going.




  1. Council approved the following payments:
    1. £70.00 to Cllr J. Hayes for purchase of Speed Signs
    2. £146.43 to LALC for their renewal.
  2.  Cllr L. Johnson has applied to be on the Tritton Knoll “Grant” Panel.  They have £10,000.00 to allocate each year to local projects which help the community.  Dist Cllr P. Hibbert-Greaves is also Chairman of “Lincolnshire Coastal BID”.  They have grant money available also for use to develop the area.  They would like to visit the area to discuss with council on how they can help.  Ideas are needed that can be put forward.  Matter on going.









  1. SPEED INDICATORS ANDERBY VILLAGE - Cllr J. Hayes had spoken to Community Speed watch with a view to having the Speed Indicators in Anderby Village moved to a different location as it was felt that vehicles were speeding through the village and that the speed signs were not responding.  She had met with Graham Butler of Community Speed watch to look at different locations.  He had suggested 3 other locations were posts could be sited with a view to move speed signs at regular intervals.  She had obtained new plastic signs to place on posts while the new extra posts were installed.  Matter ongoing.


  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – It was agreed that the next meeting via Zoom would be on Monday 15th March 2021 subject to confirmation.


  1. AOB – Cllr D. Wood informed members that the Zoom access was being provided free from Rev P Lilley and the church.  It was proposed by him that a donation be given as a thank you.  Cllr J. Hayes to investigate who this needs to be made out to.


Meeting closed at 07.45pm